Why do I need to add my Discord username to my account profile?
Discord usernames are required to be added to your Micro Squad account profile to retain your access to the private online Discord communities and help us keep everyone safe. Each member who joins our Discord must agree to our community guidelines.
Our communities are for paid members only and are where members get exclusive updates, access to live members-only content, and can interact with our leaders and other squad members.
How do I find my Discord username?
Desktop Instructions
- Open the Discord home page, click on ‘Open Discord’, and log in to your Discord account.
- Next, locate and click the gear icon in the bottom left corner by your Discord tag to access your User Settings.
- Once the Settings window is open, you’ll automatically be on the ‘My Account’ tab.
- In this tab, you’ll see your profile photo, your display name and your username. If you need to edit your username, you can do so now.
- You can then add your username to your Micro Squad Account Profile.
[ Video – Desktop Discord ]
Mobile Instructions
- Open the Discord app on your mobile device.
- From the bottom menu, choose the last menu option labeled ‘You’ with your profile photo.
- In this tab, click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the screen, and the Settings menu will open.
- Once in Settings, click on Account, you will see Account Information with your username, display name, and email. If you need to edit your username, you can do so now.
- You can then add your username to your Micro Squad Account Profile.
[ Video – Mobile Discord ]
How do I add my Discord username to my account profile?
- Open the Member Menu located in the top right-hand corner of the member site. The member menu appears on all member site pages.
- Click ‘My Account’ from the navigation and a pop-up menu will appear.
- Once open, click the ‘Edit your profile’ link located under your profile photo.
- Click ‘Edit your profile’ from the right side on the next pop-up.
- Add your Discord username to the text field and click ‘Update Profile’ to save your profile changes.

What if I have Discord channel issues?
Our Discord Moderators suggest that you check you have selected your Roles, found in the ‘Start Here’ section, as certain channels will not appear if you have not set Roles.
If channels still don’t appear, please restart your app, as it can take a moment to catch up.
Discord Support Ticket System
Within our Discord Servers we have a Ticket System found under the “Server Support” category. If you need help or have a suggestion, please submit a ticket and a moderator will assist you within the server.